Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Episode 29

Wassup everyone, this week I talk about my love/hate relationship with The Fight: Lights Out and Go4broke360 talks about how much he likes COD: Black Ops. In the news we go over having a solid release date for GT5 atlast, The bonuses for Mass Effect 2 and if 5.6 million sales is good for Activision when over half account for 1 system and the rest account for 10% or less. Our contest got extended until the 26th since no one participated so get those emails in because we still have 2 $10 psn cards for the top 2 questions and/or discussion starters sent in. PZ

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Episode 28

Go4broke360 and I return this week bearing a couple gifts for 2 listeners. The top 2 emails we get starting a good discussion or showing some unique insight will receive $5 psn cards. It's my way of apologizing for missing last week. As for this show we go over the directions GT5 could have went, is going, and may go in the future. We also get into some bonus preorder opportunities and wonder if the supreme court really has nothing better to do with it's time. Enjoy!!!

Update: It has come to my attention that PSN cards start out at $10 so it looks like it'll be 2 $10 cards. PZ


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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Episode 27

Wassup everyone, even though g4b was about to die he still came pressed on and made it through another episode. This time around I gave my review on Time Crisis: Razing Storm and then we hit a couple news stories about PS Move sales and the audacity of some developers when dealing with us consumers. Enjoy!!!


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Monday, October 18, 2010

Episode 26

Its good to be back and we now have a noob onboard to pick up some of the slack so we get everything finished up in time every week. GoForBroke360 will be here from now on and Allenshok will pop in and out from time to time until he can completely return and complete the ferocity that is Angry Man On The Side. Enjoy!


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Friday, March 26, 2010

Episode 25

Wassup peeps,

We finally got the issues worked out and we both sound clear again. Allenshok took over this episode with a review of God of War 3 and a rant on our run ins with parents about to purchase M rated games for their kids. The spoiler alert for the review is at 12:38 and goes for about 20 minutes. For the news we talked about the commercial for PS Move and a few updates coming to the store. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Episode 24 bleh..

I really struggled for a few hours wondering if I should release this or not but I'm tired of putting it off and this week was much much better than last weeks quality. But to be honest when you hear it that last comment was really sad. Atleast we solved half of the problem so I'm the only one that sounds bad...go figure. Anywho, after our usual "what we've been playing" we go over the news basically just covering the Playstation Move...yea I know, we don't like it either. We ended the show with my review of Heavy Rain so again I apologize for my horrendous part but I hope you enjoy anyway. PZ

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Skype issues grrrr..

Hola everyone. For some reason skype has been having issues and we wont be able to release a podcast this week. We got halfway through an episode when we realized the audio was spiking and dragging so of course that got canned. We tried several more attempts and we couldn't get rid of it and there was no way that I know of to fix it through editing. Hopefull over the next 4 or 5 days we can figure out whats wrong or I guess it's back to eyecreate with the ps3 eye (shudders)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Episode 23

Sup everyone, sadly this is an episode without the aide of Allenshok but he will be through moving and have his service hooked up shortly. This time around it really is just me so I start out by going over what I've been playing and my impressions of Heavy Rain. After that I do some news including the content included in the dlc for Borderlands, Bioshock 2 & Heavy Rain. Enjoy!!!

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Episode 22

Wassup everyone, sadly Allenshok is sick and there's only so much I can edit without interrupting the conversation...and pure fatigue. Anywho in this episode we talk about Sonys' reality show the tester since it's it was in the psn store before we go ovber what we've been playing. Soon afterwards excitement gets the better of us and we go over our experiences with Heavy Rain (drool) and touch on the news a bit. We conclude with my spoiler review and "food grade" of White Knight Chronicles. Big ups to our mystery emailer for getting on top of us about our lack of scoring reviews lately. Enjoy!!!

***Spoiler times
56:00 - 56:15
1:13:34 - 1:20:50

IcomeInPeace's review score:
White Knight Chronicles is comparable to the all you can eat buffet at Golden Corral

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Episode 21

My apologies everyone. This one is all on me. We had it done and after I edited and uploaded everything I never published it. On this episode we talk about how someone at Gamespy agrees with me aka the genius that is known as IcomeInPeace. We also go over a couple of upcoming updates for Unchated 2 and talk about how we feel about White Knight Chronicles so far. Enjoy!!!

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Episode 20

Finally our resident "hero" has freed himself from the clutches of Gargamel (aka AT&T). With his triumphant return we continue to discuss the effects that this 1st quarter will have on gaming throughout the year and who will be the front runners by the time December rolls around. Afterwards we get caught up with the rest of the world and finally kick back and enjoy Borderlands. Hopefully this past hiatus is our last. Enjoy!!!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Episode 19

Wassup everyone, we apologize for the long wait but we have finally returned. Allenshok goes into a rant about his hate for AT&T and how they dishonor their part of the contract about providing services when payments have been made. Between his complaints we go over the slew of upcoming games and if this is good or bad for gamers as well as for developers. We also manage to fit in our most important upcoming game before we are forced to endure more rants from our resident angry guy. Enjoy!!!

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